Preispirat Black Friday
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PC-Spiel Banished für 6.06 EUR

EUR 6.06 EUR 7.27
Zum Deal

Im Humble Store gibt’s gerade das PC-Spiel Banished für EUR 6.06 Neben dem Steam Key gibt’s auch den DRM freien Download.

Hier ein Videoreview dazu:

In this city-building strategy game, you control a group of exiled travelers who decide to restart their lives in a new land. They have only the clothes on their backs and a cart filled with supplies from their homeland.

The townspeople of Banished are your primary resource. They are born, grow older, work, have children of their own, and eventually die. Keeping them healthy, happy, and well-fed are essential to making your town grow. Building new homes is not enough—there must be enough people to move in and have families of their own.

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