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GRATIS GAME: Weapon of Choice DX als Free Download auf Steam

CHF 0.- CHF 5.59
Zum Deal

Bei Steam gibt es gerade das Game Weapon of Choice DX als Free Download.

Sie können dieses Produkt kostenlos behalten, wenn Sie es sich bis zum 22. Sep. um 21:00 holen. Es gelten einige Einschränkungen.


The world is being taken over by gene-combining beings from beyond the stars!
Hideous new creatures are popping up everywhere, and it’s up to the Solus Operatives to grab their unique weapons and split some disgusting alien skulls!

High-resolution and carefully hand-drawn art style breathes life and originality into this bizarre game world.
Dynamically branching levels are tied together by an intriguing story with multiple endings, giving the player tons of replay-ability and chances to master each operative’s Weapon of Choice.


Enough gameplay to rot your teeth!

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