Feral Inc
Good gameplay, story is pretty boring, few players online, dungeons do have different needed approaches, touch controls are 50/50. Sometimes you'll end up autoattacking doorways in dungeons while moving through. A lot of unnecessary crafting bloat. You'll often be upgrading buildings before you even know what the benefits are and still not know the benefits afterwards. It's an alright game, but there are better free multiplayer options out there.
4 people found this review helpful

z RedVeNoM z
Really great game and only for a buck. I would not sleep on this one. If I remember correctly this game use to be like 5 bucks and I would say it's worth that too. Has all the features you'd want, exploration, leveling, dungeons, a story that's not terrible, plenty of gear, bosses, upgrades, skills and much more I'm sure. My point is this game is far from bare bones so don't let the price fool you or think it's a free to play title for a buck.. it's not. 10/10
116 people found this review helpful

I have honestly been beyond surprised by this game. The combat is a fun take on turn-based tile movement, the crafting system is unique and engaging, artwork fits the tone, UI is intuitive and clean, movement /targeting can be off, but that is probably more just touch screen in general. I was starting to think every game was just the same gacha close from here on out. This proved me wrong in the best ways. Best part? You can actually loot being asked to watch ads!!! I have run like 2 total.
47 people found this review helpful