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EpicGames: Epistory – Typing Chronicles

CHF 0.- CHF 1.-
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Diese Woche gibt es bei EpicGames das Spiel Epistory – Typing Chronicles gratis.

Abzuholen bis 26.1.2023 um 16:59


Als Vergleichspreis habe ich allkeyshop genommen.


Epistory – Typing Chronicles is an atmospheric adventure typing game that tells the story of a writer lacking inspiration who asks her muse to help write her latest book.
In Epistory you play the muse, a fictional character in a world where everything is untold. Your adventure begins on a blank page, but the world will soon become larger and livelier as you gather inspiration, solve its mysteries and defeat its enemies. From movement to opening chests and fighting in epic battles, every element in the game is controlled exclusively with the keyboard.
As you progress and explore the fantasy origami world, the story literally unfolds in the writer’s mind and the mysteries of the magic power of the words are revealed.


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