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Disk Graph gratis im AppStore (macOS)

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Im AppStore für macOS gibt’s gerade die Software Disk Graph gratis statt für ca. 5 Franken. Wie lange das Angebot noch gilt, ist leider nicht klar.

Disk Graph is a tool that allows you to inspect your disk and easily find the files that take away most of your disk space. With its beautiful interface and its pie-like graph, locating big files has never been easier.


Features of DiskGraph include:

• any directory reachable in the Finder (i.e. on your local machine, on an external drive or even on a remote server) can be selected and immediately analyzed

• freely navigate inside the subdirectories of an analyzed folder or device

• smooth animations manage the transitions between selected directories

• move the mouse over a file to see its name and size

• use the context menu or keyboard shortcut to trash selected files

• quickly search for filenames

• save your favorite locations and access them with one click from the main window

• switch any time between two modes: File Size Mode (where section sizes are relative to the respective file size) and File Count Mode (where section sizes represent the number of contained files)

• adjust the number of levels the pie graph displays so that you can have a better overview of deep directories.

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