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Boximize gratis im Apple App Store

Boximize gratis im Apple App Store

gratis Zum Deal

Die Notiz App Boximize gibt’s gerade gratis im iOS App Store.


■ So, what exactly is Boximize?


If you like the simplicity of note taking apps, then Boximize is a note taking app where the note isn’t just a blank page instead the note is a fully customizable form containing fields, making inputting your data faster, easier and less prone to errors. Your data also becomes sortable, searchable and more organized. Thus bringing the power of personal databases to your notes.

If you like the power and flexibility of personal databases, then Boximize is a powerful personal database designed to bring you the simplicity, beauty and efficiency of note-taking apps.

Basically, Boximize brings you the best of both worlds, the simplicity of note taking apps and the customizability of personal databases.


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