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Anti-Diebstahl Rucksack / Laptop Rucksack

CHF 17,74 CHF 32,25
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Hier gibt es einen stabilen Anti-Diebstahl Rucksack, den ich schon etwas länger in Verwendung habe und das auch mal zu einem vernünftigen Preis. Anstatt üblichen 32,25CHF zahlt man mit dem Code: „VEESUN“ nur 17,74CHF.


Anti-Theft: The double zipper of the main compartment is hidden on the back, keep your belongings safe.
Material: The backpack made of high-quality Polyester, water resistant and durable. Padded straps and the back mesh padding, making you feel the backpack more lightweight.
External Size: The notebook backpack size 46 x 30 x 18cm, suitable for most 13 / 14 / 15.6 inch tablet / iPad / laptop. The main compartment with padded sleeves, can protect your computer / Macbook and organize your stuff well.
Multi-Function: External USB Port with built-in charging cable, which is of convenience for your charging of the electronic device. The hidden back pocket and the front quick-access pocket can provide a convenient space for daily use.


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