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Postal 2 bei GOG gratis

Postal 2 bei GOG gratis

gratis Zum Deal

Bei GOG erhält man gerade das Spiel Postal 2 gratis und DRM-frei.

The one that re-started it all! The Dude shows up for his first day working at RWS and hilarity ensues! Fight cops! Rage against the Man! Snuff the Taliban! Buy Milk! Get an autograph from Gary Coleman! Forget what you know about first person shooters. Walk for a whole week in the Postal Dude’s shoes.

Freely explore fully 3-D open-ended environments. Interact with over 100 unique NPCs, marching bands, dogs, cats and elephants, protesters, policemen and civilians, with or without weapons. This is THE ultimate FPS for sandbox slaughter and mindless mayhem you are looking for!


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