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I’ve been studying the market for M2 SSDs for the PlayStation 5 and this 2TB drive is the best price I ever found.
You can check my research on the following Google Sheet:
Important: remember to mark the 35% checkbox on the product before adding it to your basket.
With shipping to Switzerland Euros 223 after the discount.
Holy F*cking NICE!!!!
This is a really good Deal, thank You!!!!!!
I am glad you like it, I also found it great so I am glad if more people can take advantage of this deal 😉
That’s such a nice price! Too bad we don’t get these kind of deals with our proprietary xbox ssds 🙁 I think that’s probably the biggest disadvantage between both consoles 🙁
Yesterday researching about expanding storage Linus on YouTube was saying, yeah, the Xbox is more convenient you just plug it in, but you are limited to only that model sold by Microsoft (I think). Sony allowing a standard M2 slot gives more options and flexibility. That’s always good, as we the users are the ones benefiting from more options.
sogar besser als die 980 pro laut pcgh https://ibb.co/v3tbbSh
Weshalb wird hier die mwst mit lieferung in die schweiz nicht abgezogen?
If you add the item to the cart you will see that the German VAT is deducted and the Swiss one is added.
Sie wird abgezogen, neu allerdings schon wenn man auf die Produktseite kommt (vorausgesetzt man hat die Schweiz als Lieferland angegeben)
Achso, hatte direkt beim checkout die Adresse geändert. Da blieb der Preis gleich. Muss man auf der Hauptseite anpassen und erst dann ins Warenkorb legen, damit der Preis korrigiert wird.
Here how the 35% coupon looks like.
der vergleichspreis ist aber ja mal völlig falsch
Careful I don’t think is the same product, at least the heatsink looks bigger, might not fit on the PS5
right, it’s the s70 non blade sorry