Im Google Play Store ist das Spiel “Darkland : Cube Escape Puzzle Platformer Adventure” momentan kostenlos erhältlich.
Normalerweise kostet das Game CHF 0.99 und hat auf 500.000 Downloads eine 4.3 Sterne Bewertung(+10.000 Stk).
Platform-Liebhaber sollten dem Spiel auf jeden Fall eine Chance geben, die Grafik sieht schon sehr interessant aus. Qualität und Leuchteffekte erinnern mich ein bisschen an Ori and the Blind Forest.
Im Editor kann man sogar eigene Level erstellen.
Darkland is a challenging platform game with one touch controller from indie developer. In this game, there is no moving buttons, no jumping button like others. Just touch to move and that is what you need to play. Be careful and prepare your finger. It is a quite hard platform game that you’ve never seen before. You might die many times before you complete the level. But don’t worry about the death, you won’t waste your time to wait a very boring game over scene. If you die, you can try again immediately so you can focus on your playing.
You will meet Billy who is a white block. In some ways, he is lost into Darkland. That is a very dangerous place. He didn’t know why but he needs to escape. He is not a ninja or a warrior but now he has to fight alone and find the way out. The only way to get out is the gate. Of course, there is no easy life, he has to avoid the spikes, or the light blocks if he doesn’t want to start again. It means the dark platforms are safe for him.
Wenn ich auf den Deallink klicke kostet die App 0.99 CHF.
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